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Relations between the sexes
Marriage, reunion, stalker, marital relationship, DV, moral harassment, sexual harassment, gender, love
Personality, employment, slump, coaching, power harassment, stress, human relations, return to work
Development, silence, nocturnal urination, school refusal, learning difficulties, domestic violence, rebellion, withdrawal, delinquency, nursing care, jealousy, roar
Mental health
Adult children, anxiety, tension, trauma, dependence, stress, panic, acupuncture, depression
Various physical problems such as stiff shoulders,overeating,diet, overwork,improvement of various skills such as sports
EAPiEmployee support programj
Please use it as an internal welfare service such as individual counseling and employee training.
I will also support a wide range of others.
Possible support methods
Social skills training, Art law, The visitor-centered method, Psychoanalysis, Dream analysis, Hypnosis, Cognitive behavior law, EMDR, Operation method, Morita method, Inside view, Solution-oriented methods, General law, Family / couple approach, Mindfulness, Spiritual approach, Intelligence, development and personality assessment